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Tuesday, July 22

IF: Enough

"It's so beautiful," whispered Molly. It was beautiful, thought Norton, but so small. There was not enough cake there to feed the whole family for a day, let alone for a week. Something would have to be done...and right away.

Time: 2.5 hours. Photoshop.

Illustration Friday is a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists of all skill levels.


Anonymous said...

wow this is nice :-)

thanks for showing what i would never be able to produce in 2.5 DAYS of photoshop, let alone 2.5 hours ... guess i have deeper roots in the analogue than in the digital world ;-)

Bella Sinclair said...

Megan, your work is always so stunning and lovely to look at. So thoughtful of Norton to want to share.

embrace said...

just lovely. Mr. Norton should get his own illustrated biography!

Yours Stylishly!

knallbeige said...

very well done!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful illustration! Great job!

Juan said...

nicely executed. Marvellous!

Shona said...

Only one word needed: beautiful!


Roberta said...

Incredibly gorgeous work!

Meridth McKean Gimbel said...

Fantastic!!! Lovely colors. Nice composition. Love this piece!!

FRIZZ said...


theartofpuro said...

wonderful and magical,no other words

Solvere volo said...

Great illo. You're really a PS master!

kathy hare said...

lovely illustration!